2024-25 School Year vacancies we are currently looking for: CTE EngineeringScience TeacherForeign Language Spanish TeacherMath TeacherMath TeacherCTE – EMTEnglish TeacherSPED TeacherELD Teacher You can find these applications on the DPS Job Board website here:
We are almost one month away! Start ordering your prom tickets NOW$50 single ticket$100 for couples ticketSee Mr. Jordan in M-222 and Mrs. Selene in M-015 in A Pod
Hello, My name is Hannah Maldonado Villar. I teach here in DPS and I am also part of a non-profit in Denver called The Prom Dress Exchange. Our mission is to make prom more accessible for young women in high school. The…Continue Reading
Free Tutoring in all subjects for NEC Students! In order to access free tutoring, students need a Denver public library card. You can sign up online for the free library card here: www.denverlibrary.org/get-library-card
Wolfpack Families, Next week will be a three day week for students. They will go to all classes those three days. Parent/Guardian/Teacher conferences are Thursday 2/15. There will be no school Friday 2/16 and Monday 2/19.