
ACCESS Testing – Tuesday, January 9th: 

Students identified as English Language Learners will be taking the ACCESS Assessment on Tuesday, January 9th. This assessment measures a student’s English language skills in the areas of speaking, listening, reading, and writing. If your child is required to takeContinue Reading

MLE DAC Parent Meeting

Date: Wednesday, December 13th Location: Montebello Recreation Center  Time: 9:00 a.m to 11:00 a.m Information that will be given: Graduation requirements, scholarships, apprenticeship programs, summer school, internships, FAFSA support, concurrent enrollment, AP,Seal of Biliteracy (moved from last month’s meeting), GiftedContinue Reading

7th Period Civics Students

Self created project to clean up and use space!!

Pizza with the principal reminder

Students tomorrow join Ms. Warren for the monthly Pizza with the Principal!!

NEC 2024 Bell Schedule

Beginning in January Our bell schedule will look a bit different this spring. We will have weeks where the bell schedule will be our current schedule and other weeks will follow a different bell schedule. The calendar will indicate whichContinue Reading

FNE Warriors Basketball Games

Wolfpack keep these dates in mind to ensure you won’t miss a basketball game. Boys and Girls Basketball Games .

DECA District Competition

NEC’S first ever DECA Competition!


Visit Cisco in room C152 for an amazing opportunity!