DPS Lunch Program Information
Our lunch program offers a variety of high-quality meal options, served hot and ready to go. We are committed to serving locally grown, fresh fruits and vegetables on our lunch menus, including produce grown at our schools. DPS provides fresh seasonal fruit and vegetable bars to all students in the majority of our schools. As a participant in the National School Lunch Program, we also serve meals at reduced price or no cost, determined by family income and household size. To apply for the free and reduced lunch program, please visit myschoolapps.com.
We also serve complimentary breakfast in every school where a breakfast program is offered. This is a perfect way for students to fuel their day and their academic success. Please check with your school to see if a breakfast program is served.
For more information about the lunch or breakfast program, please contact your school, visit Food and Nutrition Services or call at 720-423-5600.