Avery Salamon
Special Education (ELA)
Exceptional Student Services
Mr. Salamon is currently employed as a Special Education Teacher at NEC. He comes to this school with 10 years experience in special education both in New York and Denver. He has worked in residential schools and in the Denver and Aurora educational districts. He’d like to say that he chose special education but it chose him. As a child, after an illness, he required special education. He was fortunate to work with a person who always employed the can do methodology along with the tools to accomplish. He is proud to share that he received a Regents High School diploma in NY (which is a big thing there) and went on to earn a Bachelors degree and two Masters Degree. His goal is to not only teach and guide his students, but stand as a role model. He is excited to be part of the NEC community because of how all the teachers here communicate and work together to ensure students grow. In his short time here his experience exceeds expectations. He has three children, 1 boy and 2 girls . They share his passions for music and kindness.