
Football kick off Season

Wolfpack get ready for some football! Down below is Montebello’s flyer for lower (JV & C-Team) football this upcoming season!

Fall Sports

Tryouts for FNE Warriors Fall Sports begin on August 7th! Tryout information can be found below!

Senior Day

Hello NEC SENIORS!!!Please join us on Monday, July 31st at 9am in the NEC gym for SENIOR DAY!!!We are going to play some games, brainstorm senior t-shirt designs, plan senior events and activities, and paint parking spaces!!! We will provideContinue Reading

Northeast Early College Registration 23-24

                     2023-2024 Registration Information         School Updates- Updates can be found on our school website. You can check the website for additional information as needed, including bell schedules and the school calendar. Yearbooks –  Purchase your 2023/2024 schoolContinue Reading

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