Faculty & Staff Directory

Photo Name Title Department Email
Derrick Nevarrez Teacher Math derrick_nevarrez@dpsk12.net
Liz Schacher Math Fellow Math Elizabeth_Schacher@dpsk12.net
Mouna Aboras Adjunct Professor of Math Math Mouna_Aboras@dpsk12.net
Anamaria Criste Adjunct Professor of Math Math Anamaria_Criste@dpsk12.net
Social Studies
Photo Name Title Department Email
Brian Bazydlo Social Studies Social Studies Brian_Bazydlo@dpsk12.net
Kristi Jeffers Adjunct Professor Social Studies Social Studies Kristi_Jeffers@dpsk12.net
Jennifer Portillo Adjunct Professor and STL Social Studies jportil@dpsk12.net
Career Technical Education
Photo Name Title Department Email
Stephen Bryant Emergency Medical Technical Teacher Career Technical Education stephen_bryant@dpsk12.net
Ty Calanni Adjunct Professor of Audio Engineering Career Technical Education Ty_Calanni@dpsk12.net
Catherine Jackson CTE Business Teacher Career Technical Education catherine_jackson@dpsk12.net
Photo Name Title Department Email
Julia McCullagh Teacher English
Dustin Morrow Adjunct Professor – English English dustin_morrow@dpsk12.net
Zach Serrano Dean of Culture English zach_serrano@dpsk12.net
Rebecca Smith English Teacher English rebecca_smith12@dpsk12.net
Photo Name Title Department Email
Bas Hollander Visual Arts / NTA Electives Bas_hollander@dpsk12.net
Jess Rapp Edgenuity Lab Teacher/ TS /SAL Electives jessica_rapp1@dpsk12.net
J.J Smith Comprehensive Health Electives jj_smith@dpsk12.net
Avery Worsham PE Electives avery_worsham@dpsk12.net